Friday, April 19, 2013

Mayhem & Sadness

Hmmm ... and my husband wonders why I hate the news.

Very rarely do you see a feel good story. Instead you see this shit. I don't get it. I'm sure no one else does either. I have 3,19 year old nephews and I looked at them today and I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with a range of emotions. I couldn't fathom my "babies" doing something so unimaginable. Something so heinous.

Then I got to thinking of the bombers parents. I saw the father on the news. I heard the mother's translated phone call. If they had no clue, and I don't believe they did, imagine their shock. Imagine their horror and pain. I get the impression that these parents didn't really know their boys at all.

Then I asked myself , Why would you flee YOUR country to find safety and freedom only to show your thanks by blowing up a piece of MINE?? Then I get angry. When I see that sweet, sweet little boys face on the tv, I get angry. When I see that they couldn't be satisfied with only hurting people at the race BUT then had to continue their reign of terror on us - I get pissed!!

Then I have a glass of wine. I think about the family members and I feel sad. Sad for the entire situation. Sad for so many lives lost. Sad for their family. Sad for all the injured, innocent runners & watchers. Sad for America. Again.

Til next time..

❤xx BE

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