Monday, June 24, 2013

My Little Slice of Crazy

I can't believe I haven't posted in almost a month and a half. :-(    In my defense (like I need one), I've been pretty busy.  I had a birthday, took a weeks vacation from work, been to numerous doctor appointments with my parents AND my father just came home from the hospital on Saturday. WHEW!!

I know, I know, thats merely life!  I'm not complaining, well, not too much anyway :-)  I'm a great multi-tasker, like most women, there's just not enough hours in the day. 

Like right now for instance.  I'm typing this blog, while updating tickets at work, drinking my coffee, writing my daily to do list with a million things running through my head.  It never ends.  If I weren't busy I wouldn't know what to do with myself.  I don't like a lot of "down time".  I get restless.  Me and "restless" don't go well together! 

In all seriousness, I need a hobby.  Any ideas or suggestions?  I'm not very crafty even though I love it.  I don't have a "lot" of hours to devote to something so I want (need) it to be meaningful.  I don't belong to a church but I've always wanted to sing in a church chior.  I'm talking - Go Big or Go Home kinda church chiors.  Sister Act kinda church chior. :-) Ahhhh

See.... You're getting to know me, little by little.  I hope you like what you read.  I'm not an overly fascinating chic, but I love fierce and I'm full of passion.  I've already said, since the beginning of this journey, that I will be honest (or what's the point) and I will discuss my private life.  I may not go into super private detail, but I'll disclose some personal info, if it better helps you in your understanding of a situation.

I will also answer any questions that YOU may have for me, regarding practically anything.  I'm a pretty open gal <3 although there are certain things that are sacred to me and I won't discuss.  I doubt any of that ever comes into play anyway so it's a moot point.  Ha - I'm full of moot points. :-)

So c'mon - let's chat!  Let's bullshit and let's get down to the nitty gritty!  Hell, we can even do a meet and greet - ask/answer segment once a month or something.  Ideas?

Okay Bitches - I gotta do some work.  Seriously - you can be anonymous - but ASK AWAY!

Game on.......

Til next time....